Information you need to know
People do not believe the coming dollar crisis will happen. They think the government will save them and the country. One only has to look at the response the government had to Hurricane Katrina and realize the government is inept to handle emergencies. It has already happened in Greece and other countries in Europe and their debt wasn't as massive as the United States. The only reason we haven't met the same fate of those other countries yet is because the world market uses the US dollar for the exchange currency. However, other countries are working to change that and have even held secret meetings without the US present. It is coming and it's coming quickly. Be prepared or be one of those naysayers and rely on the government as they have handled everything so well so far.
Listen to the people in my other posts. They have no affiliation with the government and are telling it like it is. They are telling the truth. The economists and others that have ties to the government do not want anyone to know what is going to happen. They do not want to panic the people. When things get bad, the will nationalize the banks and seize all assets including yours... your life savings. They are already working on nationalizing 401k and other retirement plans so they can seize control of them when this crisis occurs. Of course you can sit back and believe what the government tells you as they have no reason to lie to you, yeah, right. or you can prepare. What have you got to lose? What have you got to gain/save?
The Crashing Dollar
Side note: One has to wonder if the invasion by the TSA is for terrorism or just prepping the people for the upcoming violation of liberty and freedoms that we enjoy and hold so dear. Is the government just beginning to prep people for the upcoming martial law that will result when the dollar does collapse? Check out the links and actually listen to these people and it is shocking and so clear that this in fact will happen and most people do not believe that it can, not in America. It will and the government will not save us. They cannot agree on the smallest of problems, how will they handle the upcoming crisis?
Buy and/or invest in precious metals. Paper money will be worthless and inflation will be rampant. Gasoline $8 to $10 a gallon, bread $5 or more. It will happen. You should have enough non-perishable food and water for at least six months. There will be power and water interruptions, crime waves and food riots. If you don't think it can or will happen, God help you when it does. It is coming.
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